Saturday, May 26, 2012

Awards! I love awards

Miss Woodhouse of Elinor, Elizabeth and Emma has awarded me this! Thank you bunches dear.  

Now I must post ten random thing about myself!

1. I have watched the BBC 1995 P&P too many times to count. (true story)
2. I'm obsessed with pic monkey!
3. I have 248 pictures from the two Emma adaptions I've seen saved to my family's computer. :)
4. I like popcorn and coca... together.
5. Mr. Darcy is the BEST!
6. I'm reading Emma... that is not news!
7. Both my middle fingers on both hands curve outward.
8. I'm very apt to be found inside on a hot summer day.
9. I wear my hair in a HUGE puff when I go to bed.
10. My real name is... um ... I don't think I'll tell you. :)
Now I have to award six other bloggers.

Emelie (horse lover) :)
Rachel Danielle 
Mrs. Darcy... by the by love this young lady! :)

Awarded by... Miss Woodhouse. Thanks ever so much... again. :P


  • Link back to the person who awarded you in your 'acceptance' post
  • Tell three helpful things you have done either on or off the blogosphere
  • Nominate three other bloggers and tell them that you've nominated them

Three helpful things I've done. Hum? Oh! Oh I got it!
I really hate bragging but I encourage my friend Marissa to start her blog The countryside Lady. Check it out here.
I cleaned my younger sisters room yesterday (my three sisters and I share a room together. Our littlest sister is not old enough to sleep with us yet) I love my family!
I help nurse my younger brother when he is sick. :) He is such a challenge but we love each other. But he's too proud to admit it most of the time. ;) 

Here are the nominated peoples... :) hehe 
The Anne-girl... I put the E in Ann this time. LOL!


  1. Thank you!! im glad you like me! your amazing too!!!! <3

  2. Why thank you my dear emma FAN lol!!!!! WOW I now have 2 awards. Thank you again BFF. Love yall


  3. Mrs Darcy
    HA HA! I like you very much, indeed! You're truly amazing where writing comes in. :)

    YES! Is it just me or are you thinking that an OVER ABUNDANCE of blog awards are being given out? LOL!

  4. I didn't get your e-mail :( Could you re-send it?


I dearly love hearing what my readers think about my posts. Please make sure all things you say are uplifting and God-honouring. I check all comments before they are published and it may take a few moments before your comment appears. But if it is acceptable I will publish it! :)
Thank you.


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